
Inteligências Artificiais quebram senhas em menos de um minuto: como se proteger

As smart technology continues to advance, new features being developed by artificial intelligence (AI) are raising concerns among experts and society as a whole. The latest discovery is a new tool that can quickly identify user passwords, which is causing significant concern for online security experts.

A recent study conducted by the Home Security Heroes consulting firm used the PassGAN platform to discover which passwords are used by users. By integrating the AI with the device, common passwords were quickly broken down in less than a minute. Although this feature can further facilitate access to sensitive information, there are ways to safeguard your credentials against these and other security vulnerabilities.

The researchers found that 51% of passwords were identified in under a minute. This figure was derived from data collected on the PassGAN system and information from Rockyou, a platform that contains 15 million credentials, including the most commonly used passwords.

The analysis showed alarming results, as the AI tool can break 65% of passwords within an hour, and 71% of credentials were identified within 24 hours. Furthermore, 81% of passwords were visible in under 30 days. Therefore, this situation should serve as a serious alert for online security.

The rise of sophisticated AI tools and the ease with which they can circumvent very weak passwords has left security experts looking for ways to protect digital data with advanced techniques. The following suggestions are given to help safeguard personal information:

1. Use Strong Passwords: The simplest and most essential way of ensuring the security of an account is to choose robust passwords. The researchers encourage using passwords that consist of a minimum of 12 characters, including a combination of letters and digits, and symbols.

2. Authenticate in Two Factors: Two-factor authentication is a popular method that strengthens the security of accounts. With this method, users have to verify their identity with an additional code sent via SMS, generated by a unique app, or with biometrics.

3. Avoid Using Same Passwords On Different Websites and Apps: This is an essential step to remain secure online. Many users use the same password for multiple accounts, leaving them vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

4. Never Use Public Wi-Fi for Bank Apps: Public Wi-Fi is insecure, and sharing financial information on public Wi-Fi is highly discouraged. Thus, it’s best to use personal or secured Wi-Fi hotspots for online banking.

5. Regularly Update Passwords: routinely changing passwords could help prevent credential stuffing attacks. These attacks occur when an attacker uses a combination of usernames and passwords that were previously breached.

As technology keeps advancing, it’s crucial to retain vigilance over personal safety online as well. New measures, such as using advanced AI tools, are still being developed to provide more robust security measures, and security experts will always be working to keep before newly created risks. By being mindful of user passwords and following good security practices, individuals can remain confident and safe online.

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